Thursday, March 5, 2015

Study Guide for Blood Quiz 2015

Blood Quiz Study Guide- 2015

Circulatory System topics:
You should be able to…

1. Describe the levels of organization found within the body.
Hierarchy triangle

2. Know the Structure and Function of the Circulatory System

    What are the 3 structures and the 4 functions to the circulatory system?

Describe the structure & functions of the 4 blood components:
Copy of text-based reading, Class notes

Provide 2 examples of how blood components are used by patients after a donation at a Blood Drive.
Class notes

Blood Vessels - understand structure and function of the 3 types of blood vessels. - See Spreadsheet and class notes

3. Explain how blood types are determined:
Text-based reading, notes on back of simulation lab sheet

Explain what the Rh factor is & why it’s important to donations:
Text-based reading, notes on back of simulation lab sheet

Determine safe transfusions given patients’ blood types:
Text-based reading, notes on back of simulation lab sheet , practice page,

Explain the importance of Karl Landsteiner in the field of medicine:
Text-based reading, notes on back of simulation lab sheet

4. Apply learning on the Genetics of Blood:
Determine the possible blood types of a child given the genetic makeup of his/her parents using a Punnett square.
Punnett squares practice sheets

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